
He should not be allowed to wear the "Fit" shirt.

On that line of thinking, beer, aka liquid bread.

Well, we can rule out Patricia Driscoll since he's still alive.

Not to mention the Wild lost and probably won't make the playoffs! HILARIOUS. (Jumps off bridge)

Penn State ALUM. There, fixed that for you.

Unless it's anything like the DL, in which case he'd be going in as a Red.

I would love to know where all the buffets are in Minnesota. I'm uhh, asking for a friend.

Who knew the Beatles were bodybuilders?

Sweden must be out of this world then.

Came here comment this. He did his best Ric Flair impression.

"Man Drives Cross-Country To Fight Internet Journalist."

I had a snarky witty comment all ready to go. Then you have to go and do this...


How can people still think that equal rights for everyone is a political issue? There's no "agenda". I'm just not an asshole who thinks people should be treated differently regardless of how they look/act/smell/taste/feel/fuck.

If you can define my position of believing gay people deserve the same rights as the rest of humans in this country as intolerant, by all means, be my guest.

Uh, yeah. If you could only explain why. Hmmm.

No, he shouldn't have, because Torii Hunter is a bigot. He has an opposition to gay rights. That is a bigoted opinion. Simple as that. Kevin Draper, however, is not a bigot because he supports gay rights, that's ridiculous.

If I believe my common sense correctly, bigotry doesn't involve opposition to an intolerant belief system, no. That being said, DOWN WITH THE ANTI-GAYS!

YES, the anti-anti-gay bigot. We are an opinionated bunch, aren't we? DOWN WITH EQUAL RIGHTS! Wait, I mean, DOWN WITH THOSE OPPOSED TO EQUAL RIGHTS! Yeah, that's better.

The bend of his leg is normal. It's an optical illusion. His calf is off the picture to the left. There's some sort of sleeve over the lower half of his leg.