
And children, can't forget the children.

I don't blame you. Christopher Nolan definitely gives you a lot to digest. It took me a little time to kind of put the puzzle pieces together, myself.

She wanted to go to Edmund's planet because she thought the data from there was more promising than Mann's. Along with the fact that they apparently were romantically involved. I'm not sure how that would make your issues with the movie any bigger though.

She wanted to go to the planet she eventually ends up on because of love. Not where Mann is. She ends up being right, sort of, in the end, because that was the right planet to start a new colony on as shown at the end of the film.

I believe the "they" was in one case specifically Cooper when he's giving himself the coordinates to NASA. Otherwise it's left sort of vague.

Too Many Boats

black Songs. I just said it out loud, odd capitalization and all, just for you. Idiot.

Put your humor setting at 90%, TARS.

So that makes it a moot point then? Like, don't even include it unless it's specifically driving the plot?

I'm honestly getting sick of people just sticking films into one genre and expecting them to hold to every perfect little thing they want out of said genre. If Christopher Nolan wants to make a movie that has scientific overtones and throw in some heart via your definition of "fantasy", who are we to contest him?

I think the only people mixing them up are the people that believe in that sort of thing to begin with.

So what's wrong with having a little spirituality mixed in with our science fiction? I for one didn't mind the more heartfelt moments of Interstellar. I'm obviously in the minority, but I'll hold to my opinion. Reading an article on the differences between the original script and the finished film, I think the changes

He's not this website's editor either, it isn't his "job" to critique the headline or the article. Yet here we are.

I implore you to come up with a better headline that will still grab the attention of a potential reader.

Great article, great headline. Haterz gonna hate. Russians gonna hate "Masha".

Google UFC Just Bleed gif if this doesn't come out of the grays. I'm sure many of you already know.

Reading #nancygracetweets in a #nancygracevoice is the best. #blabbermouth

So you guys are being paid off by ESPN, right? Right. I thought I'd noticed a slight slip in mothership shit talk lately.

NAACP - "ESPN is racist!"