
I'll just leave this here.

I'll let you take the credit for inspiring this comment:

Minneapolis. Also, I'm 28, so it's kind of a "before my time" thing, too. I hear the next generation older than me talk about getting beat with a ruler by their nun/teacher. Never heard of a switch, though.

Ridiculous. "If you don't sign this waiver, we'll beat your kids. Don't do it yourself though, that's not cool."

"In 21 states, including Mississippi and Texas, corporal punishment is still practiced in schools."

"Never not cool."

Key Arena in Seattle is terrible. It's part of the reason the Sonics left. There would need to be a new arena, which, if done correctly, could help them lure a basketball team as well.

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How this guy doesn't have an Oscar by now is beyond me.

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This one is the little guy standing up to the big bad and not taking their crap anymore exemplified.

"Fart-scientist, fart-artist"?

Actually you'd be more likely to choke him to sleep. 6/7 of his MMA losses are by submission.

In this case though, he's right. He's well known among MMA fans as a douche-bro. Good for him if he's changed his act though. Hopefully he has a good thing going training Ken.

1. & 2. My mistake, but the same principle applies. You've been had, and I feel sorry for you.

From everything you've said, it sounds like Comcast duped you into thinking you would be getting paid more, just like they try to dupe their customers into keeping their service. As soon as I found out that my pay would be docked for not meeting a ridiculous quota, I would've gone to the next shitty job down the line

A Toyota GT2000. So I could just stare at it.

Well, you certainly are proof that The Penis Mightier.

Mr. Gallippi, is that you? Settle down there, MACHO-man. If anyone here is a cliché, it's you, the manly blowhard.

SUCCs sounds pretty good too me.

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I don't have the patience to go through 300 replies, but I haven't seen this one the few I scrolled through. It's a classic, and it sets up the WHOLE trilogy (and the prequels, for those who care).