
Fuh-mah-lee, spelled Female.

So... Basically what Deadspin always does. Got it.

This needs to be the top post. Also, does Deadspin still do COTD?

Man, they must be really good at "terrified defense". They've been keeping shots against low this whole year.

Das racist.

Thanks really need to go to Joe Vavra, former Twins hitting coach, for holding him back this long.

You're right, man. This letter is complete bullshit. You know how I know? Because Princeton doesn't give out athletic scholarships, no ivy league schools do.

Figment. Always Figment.

Target HQ in Downtown Minneapolis.

"And fans need to start judging fighters by their skill and talent, not by how much they're willing to suffer."

"Getting the BICEP results by chance is equivalent to flipping 28 quarters and having them all land on the same side. This is strong data."

Sounds like Von Trier had a consultant on this one.

Deadspin Article, Headline, Drive Sports Fan From Reading To Alcohol

[Random Journalist]: Have you been following the situation in Arizona considering the Super Bowl is being hosted in Phoenix next year?
[NFL Representative]: (Canned response)

What makes you think that? The fact that I think the UFC's results aren't scripted, or that I commented in the first place? I'd be interested to know. It's well known that Marchman is just butthurt that the UFC went credential him. That's all this whining is about.

The only "con" going in here is you conning me into reading this and getting me to comment. Although the promotion of the UFC does somewhat similarly resemble a professional wrestling organization, they don't have scripted results. Case closed.

I hate you all.


Why does it seem like nobody really cares about assists? Obviously the strikers are the ones putting it in the net and making golazos and what not. But I always look at it from a hockey fans perspective, sometimes the player getting the ball to the striker is just as important as the player putting it in the net.

Why does it seem like nobody really cares about assists? Obviously the strikers are the ones putting it in the net and making golazos and what not. But I always look at it from a hockey fans perspective, sometimes the player getting the ball to the striker is just as important as the player putting it in the net.