lol, this was obviously created to bring some tech bro a beer.
lol, this was obviously created to bring some tech bro a beer.
This sounds better than the canned version, but I still don’t get why folks don’t just serve the casserole components as a sauce for fresh green beans, preferably pan fried ones. Cooking it all together just creates mush. I get that people are going for convenience on Turkey day, but is a casserole that fights for…
Because dogs can shift gears but not turn the ignition.
Yeah, this is like admitting you added extra arsenic to the poisoned food you served your dinner guests.
“Elsa and Anna have a more-than-sisterly relationship”...uh, gotta get that Alabama money, I guess.
Canadian pizza chain...
Damn, now I’m wishing for Holder to run. His constituency would be everyone; he’s like the Black Obama.
Can’t really be any worse.
The account linking is optional, but they definitely don’t have strong password enforcement. Everyone should be using a password manager these days anyway.
I think he just went to the morgue to get his bronzer done right. Morticians are pros.
Well, they have been practicing for 20 years.
Don’t tease us like this.
I don’t think we can lay this one on the Boomers, folks. This one’s all Indiana.
No one’s asking the pertinent question: how did a sex robot become a judge?
“And that, children, is how boys are made.”
Where’s the segregated seating, or is that what the outside chairs are for?
The assholes in my area have decided to solve this non-problem by feeding squirrels peanuts. So now they’ve weaponized squirrels into a peanut-allergy delivery system.
Squirrels lose about 74% of the nuts they bury, because they’re stolen by other squirrels.
That looks exactly like what I would picture a kiddie diddler having as a sandwich: too much for all the wrong reasons.