What on earth is wrong with thinking that, generally speaking, makeup looks artificial, and finding that not to your liking? It’s not a personal insult, it’s a comment on her own taste.
What on earth is wrong with thinking that, generally speaking, makeup looks artificial, and finding that not to your liking? It’s not a personal insult, it’s a comment on her own taste.
Don’t waste your kief on butter! Make discs and save it!
I use about 1 or 1.5 cups ABV to 4 sticks butter (only because that’s the size of the container I happened to collect it in, and it seemed to work well). I think it’ll depend more on how vaped out your stuff is — mine is toasty brown but not real dark. Makes a batch of impressively strong brownies per stick of butter…
Oh hell yeah. There’s a lot of THC still in it. I use about 1.5 cups of ABV/4 sticks butter (rough estimate). Dump it in the crock pot and let it cook for 12 hours, then strain through a nut milk bag. Butter once cool ends up medium/dark green.
Or if you vape, save your ABV and use that. Cost: price of 4 sticks of butter.
Thanks, but I’m just about done taking political advice from dead white guys.
Cowboy Junkies, Cowboy Junkies, Cowboy Junkies.
Not gonna lie. Large part of why I’ll vote for Hillary is because she’s a woman. Not the only reason - I won’t vote for any old lady who comes down the pike - but Hillary against a similar male candidate (say... Obama?) I vote team lady.
I was there. The quality was great, although limited. The quantities, however, were not capped.
Nadia is the queen. She can say whatever she wants. Nadia forever.
Not if Julia Roberts has anything to say about it.
This is not a “who bootstrapped their way up” contest — there’s no requirement that the woman have had the hardest struggle. Eleanor Roosevelt was a phenomenally influential, totally awesome fighter for all the people who didn’t have the same amount of privilege she did.
Agreed. I don’t know whether it’s that I’ve been to her house at Valhalla [Edit: it’s actually Val-Kill, even better], or that she held my mother when she was a tiny baby (family legend says mom pissed on her), that she was a lesbian, or that we learn so much more about the privileged so they seem more important, but…
Oh god, I'm sorry, should have specified: don't get fitted at Victoria's Secret. They're horrible at it.
Oh god, I'm sorry, should have specified: don't get fitted at Victoria's Secret. They're horrible at it.
You should get fitted. Bra size is a lot about shape and placement of boobs, not just pure mass. I look fairly normal-chested, both with and without clothes, and I'm a DD. Every damn time I get fitted I tell them that this has to be wrong, there's no way I'm a DD. Every time they roll their eyes and are like, does…
You should get fitted. Bra size is a lot about shape and placement of boobs, not just pure mass. I look fairly…
Also! You can stuff a bunch of them in a empty toilet paper roll and if you blow through it, it almost totally masks the smell of pot. Useful for hotels...
I had an abortion because I didn’t want a child. Full stop.
I love lakes. I love oysters.