
Weed. Lots of weed. Indica.

Carmelo Anthony identifies as Puerto Rican so yes, he should be included.

Huh. Also interesting that you're equating "white supremacist" with "not-black." Because there are actually billions of non-white women, of which only a moderate percentage are black.

I shredded some break-up letters recently in a house purge. I just didn't feel like the anger and bitterness contained reflected well on either of us. No need to keep around a memento of someone's worst instincts. We're not getting back together or anything.

I'm the slobbiest slob in slobland, but I also have a tiny closet. Every time the Container Store (my love, my nemesis) has a big sale a pack of 10 thin fuzzy ones go for $7. So 2x a year I buy a few packs of hangers, and in not very long I switched over everything and got rid of all the shitty plastic tube hangers

Nothing you wrote in the piece touches on his off-court behavior. No need to apologize.

It'll taste fine. Not optimal, maybe, but still totally fine. Just like wine in a plastic cup, cheese wrapped in plastic is still cheese.

Hey Deadspin - an iconic basketball player from this team dies overnight and this is what you got?

That's a really good point.

It's awful and sad and awful again. The fact that anyone feels that they need to do this to conform to certain ideas of what counts as "womanly" is infuriating.

That sort of makes you a not regular person. I mean, if you work out at all you're already not so average 'Murican.

It's true - eight years ago he was arrested for shoving a woman to the ground. This does not invalidate his experience and observations coaching girl's basketball today.

I dunno, he did a lot of anger management after that, and frankly I'd elbow Harden given the chance. Metta is human and trying.

In the olden days (back when Jez defined itself as a feminist site) any body snarking comments would have all of the vowels removed. So if you said, like, "Guliana needs to eat a sandwich," or "Kim K is a big gross cow," it would come out as "Gln nds t t sndwch," or "Km K s bg grss cw." It was a way of sort of

Thanks for your thoughtful response. I specifically called out Jez because this is the forum I was discussing - you're right that there's been a shit ton of writing on women in Civil Rights/Black Power, but you wouldn't ever know it from this site. And sure - Cleaver isn't necessarily a role model, but he is/was

I agree that it isn't cool for her to do it either (although I do watch Fashion Police and miss Joan terribly).

She did have breast cancer, chemo and a double mastectomy, and her good friend/mentor/boss died tragically recently - I'm not going to make fun of her weight.

Nope, not at all, but it wouldn't hurt to be a little more even-handed or rigorous.

Maybe part of the issue is that the issues that Arquette was bringing up - that women still make less than men - in 2015! - has been completely erased by this 'was she intersectional enough' discussion? I can't help but look at who this diversion (which is a worthwhile discussion) benefits.

Yes, and the Black Liberation movement had moments of extreme sexism, and the Gay Rights movement prioritized men, and no one is pure.