
Good God man, why would I switch to Google Maps? I like to go to specific places, not random tours around town. Thanks, but I’ll stick to the superior Apple maps.

Multi speaker was never a priority for me. If I had a bunch of tinny sounding Google or Amazon speakers that they give away by the half dozen, then maybe I’d be concerned. Since Apple produces a high quality speaker, they charge an appropriate price, so I don’t buy them by the six pack. One fills my room (and much of

Stop gaying all the things. The characters are who they are. If you want gay characters, write gay characters.

I know! I mean, I totally hate how Siri and the HomePod don’t send my private conversations to total strangers! Apple needs to fix that to keep up...

Yes, a complete failure. Just like the Apple Watch, and the iPhone X...

Glad I’m still using my AirPort Extreme!

All the articles about the HomePod (I got one on launch day, I use it all the time, and I love it) note the inadequacy of Siri. In reality, if Apple started giving away HomePods, they’d own the market like Google does. Far too many people still do not understand that Google’s “free” comes at a high privacy cost. The

TL;DR “Everyone I don’t like is a fascist.”

First off, since the FCC is where everyone went to bi_ch about net neutrality, it isn’t stupid to think the FCC would deal with Internet censorship. Not correct, of course, but not mock-worthy stupid either. Second, since companies like Google and Twitter have a documented history of censoring and banning anyone to

It is wonderfully to finally have rationalists in our governments to push back against the left wing theocrats.

I was on the fence about Dean Heller, but now I can 100% support his reelection! Thanks!

I switched from DirecTV (after two decades) to Hulu last month, and it has been nearly perfect. I’ve found only problem with it. Hulu advertises as carrying “every game of the Stanley Cup Playoffs.” Well, sort of. They carry all the games that are on the channels other than NBC. Sure, if you live in NY or LA, you get

So the property there is selling for pennies now, right? I mean, if disaster is assured, I could probably buy the whole town. Its a crappy looking place, though, so I’d probably have to do too much renovation to make it worth the purchase, even at pennies on the dollar. Oh well, hopefully someone else will swoop in

This is a good move by Facebook (the first step is recognizing you have a problem), but their brand is pretty damaged at this point. Hopefully, Google/YouTube will follow suit, but I doubt it. With any luck, the Prager U suit will force them to do so.

Can’t wait for this! I switched from DirecTV to Hulu Live, and the only two things I’ve missed is the ability to download shows (which worked about half the time with DirecTV) and our local NBC affiliate (since Hulu carries “all the Stanley Cup Playoff Games,” except for the ones on NBC).

Wow, does anyone have some real estate links for the Atoll Islands? With climate change a certainty, and these islands slated for destruction, the beach front property should be as cheap as a house in Detroit. That may solve my retirement re-location dilemma.

Careful, that’s “hate speech” now, and I absolutely, positively, did not laugh even a little at it! I swear, I just had something caught in my throat. Really, I would never find something that hateful even remotely funny. Really. I mean it. Please don’t ban my account...

Another dangerous step towards tyranny. Once you regulate speech. You no longer have free speech. If you don’t defend the right to speech when the speech is repugnant, then you don’t defend the right to speech. I’m sure you’re perfectly free to say “Kim Jong Un is awesome!” in North Korea, but no one in his right mind

What we really need is a class action suit against the Niskanen Center for needlessly increasing the cost of energy for the poorest and most vulnerable of Americans.

Why go to all the trouble? Just re-record the digital tracks to add hissing, popping, and the occasionally skip. Then the hipsters will be able to download their music while drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon ironically.