
Or. You can buy a silicone remote case from Amazon for $5-$10 and problem solved. They even come in colors so you can tell which remote goes with which tv. Simple solution, zero drama.

You know, you put this in here as big news, but when Long Island loses power for 18-36 hours, with a population five times as large, crickets...

I might consider this at $1 to $2 per month. Above that is a non-starter (and I have Family Apple music $15 and 250 Gb iCloud $3 already, so I’m not against paying for my stuff).

That’s an excellent point! Perhaps with widespread adoption, we may end up discouraging the telemarketers (the scammers will never be deterred as they only need to succeed once in the thousands in order to make their money).

This is frankly asinine. Its like saying Bose noise canceling headphones are a “failure” because WalMart sells waaaay more Skull Candy earbuds. While plenty of people wanted a super cheap, sh*tty sounding speaker in their homes, many minds will be changed by the Facebook scandals and hearings. “Alexa, are you

So, Facebook et al. censor opinions that are not as far left as they find acceptable, and that’s totally cool, what with “hate speech” and all, but when the President moves to block sites that traffic in illegal dealing, that’s bad censorship. This site reads more and more like The Onion every day!

That’s a brilliant idea!

I’ve been using Hiya on my iPhone for a while now (years?) to do exactly this. I’m pretty sure they have an Android version.

Sprint gives you this same deal (the $8 package) for free, but they don’t publicize it for some reason. I had that plan for awhile until I decided to go for the full Hulu package with live, locals, DVR, no commercials, etc. for $80 a month less than DirecTV. The service has been excellent!

Gives you an idea of who typically comments at this site. Your rational comment will get a couple of stars, and a frothing, fact-free, sarcastic comment will get 20 or 30.

No one blamed Obama for Katrina and 9/11. Everyone knows it was actually George W. Bush who was behind those. He steered the hurricane to Democrat districts to kill people of color and he orchestrated 9/11 so Americans would get in their pickup trucks and start hunting Muzzlems.

Cute deflection. The Obama campaign used Facebook data in almost precisely the same way as Cambridge did, only then it was cool because the right guy was using the data.

What an awful design! Not that I’d ever consider anything other than my Apple Watch, but I was three or four photos into the article wondering why they’d make a watch with only one hand! Making the hour hand the same color as the background is ridiculous. I already hate watches where it is impossible to tell the

All the bad stuff we did in 2012 was cool because it got the right guy elected. In 2016, the same stuff happened but we elected Literally Hitler TM so now it all has to go...

And there it is. You make a reasonable point not to blame YouTube monetization policies, only to go on to blaming (indirectly) the NRA. People who have a problem with YouTube have nothing to do with this woman, and neither do Second Amendment supporters. She was nuts, she had a beef, she shot up YouTube HQ. Period.

Hey, racist, long time no see. How’ve you been? All your racism treating you well?

Looks like someone in the government watched the X-Files this season...

You mention battery life a lot here, but you always compare to the Series 1. I had a Series 0 which finished the day with low battery, but I replaced it with a Series 3 (no LTE) and I finish the day with over 75% battery left every day. That’s putting it on at 5:15 AM for work, and taking it off at 9:30 for bed.

Limited freedom of speech isn’t freedom of speech. I’m sure you’re perfectly free to say “Kim is awesome” in North Korea.

This is a bone chilling story, absolutely terrifying. We have to remember that there is no First Amendment in the U.K., but our First Amendment rights are under fierce attack here in the US as well. You have no right to not be offended. This guy may be an idiot, but if we don’t protect his freedom of speech, then