Isis Uptown

When Son of Isis was a little dude (he's in his early 30s now) he asked why skeletons were supposed to be scary. I said that it wasn't the skeleton itself, it's the concept of a skeleton walking around.

Yes, you.

Any mind that is capable of real sorrow is capable of good. - Harriet Beecher Stowe (June 14, 1811 – July 1, 1896)

My former husband didn't see the M*A*S*H finale when it first aired (he was in military training). He saw it when it ran again a few years later (he and I were married and had our son by then). My ex-husband was then and is now considered to be a very intelligent man. Nevertheless, he asked me "Why did she have a

I have an "All Skeletons All the Time" Instagram.

I see what you did there.

Her bicycle is pretty sweet.

A facility for quotation covers the absence of original thought. - Dorothy L. Sayers (13 June 1893 – 17 December 1957), "Gaudy Night"

Is there one at Harrah's in New Orleans? I work right across the street from there.

No, he's a gentle giant, who can lift the other team!

Isn't there a "Battle of the Network Stars" bookie?

Lou Ferrigno!! I'm betting on THAT team!!

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. - Anne Frank (12 June 1929 – early March 1945)

Sure are. A friend suggested that the attempted scammer may be a neighbor of the addressee, someone who could see when packages are delivered. It was nipped in the bud from my end, but maybe other people don't read their email.

I think that's what she had him at, too.

Son of Isis and his sweetheart took place in the Naked Bike Ride. In picture #8, he is wearing the bear hood, and she is the voluptuous woman on the bike with green tires. In #11, she's in full view, and his scrawny ass can be seen right ahead of her.

Bad men excuse their faults, good men will leave them. - Ben Jonson (c. 11 June 1572 – 6 August 1637)

Here is my father’s obituary; he was probably 18 in that picture. Pop’s late wife was my beloved stepmother, not my beloved mother, who is still alive. I’m sure you’ll work out which daughter I am:…

Happy Birthday to my husband, Osiris!!