
I know everyone will the say, "he / she is mature for their age," or "I know my kids better than you," argument, which is fine. However, a line must be drawn. If your kid can cant their age only using the fingers on their hands. NOPE.

This is kind of a huge let down, since I have PS+, I'd really like to not have to own a PS3 and PS4 to play my library. 30+ games that were free shouldn't be ~$300, hopefully they will work an option out for PS+ members. Hell, even if I had to choose select titles, that'd be fine. I'm just not going to pay $10 to

That's like saying the last film you watched had mono audio and was in 4:3 technicolor, yet you have no idea why all these people are stoked for the latest IMAX 4K blockbuster with THX ASA.

I still never understood why a large scale FPS was never made. Probably because the games always involve a constant barrage of bullets (CoD), and generally one stylistic perspective. They could have the game pace from someone in espionage, working for Wilhelm the Great. You could orchestrate the assassination of Franz

The naming vernacular is horrendous. XBOX, XBOX 360, XBOX 360 ARCADE, XBOX 360 SLIM, XBOX 360 E, XBOX ONE. Seriously? They should have just called it "The new XBOX."

I love my OLED screen. What I love even more, is that I have a hairline crack running from one side to the other, but the technology (to my knowledge) doesn't bleed like an LCD would. It's not even noticeable, I would think an IPS LED would be noticeable.

Fun and downs walk a tight line.

Pogo is great, but his original stuff is really the best. I had a listen to the past year or so of his music, and it really falls short. I think part of it is the nostalgia, as well as a more earnest sound. The Spongebob one carries a similar sound, but the emotion is gone, me thinks.

A knife...on a couch?

I love when a simple GIF can show you who will be working in the food industry 10 years from now.

I own those already, just want the first one for chape chape chappppeeee!

But when you already own 4, and the Vita HD collection, all that's missing is the first in the series. I'm a cheap bastard, and I didn't pay for any of those version either (gift or promotions). On top of which, I have no played a single one because I'm weird and like to play through games as a series in the order of

Maybe put it SALE?! SAAAAAAAAAAAAALE!!!!!!

I found the Chinese one.

It is stuff like this that makes me really hope technology will improve quickly enough, allowing me to experience cosmic-scale travel. It also makes me really want to masturbate. One thing is certain: that one of these scenarios will come first.

I go stupid for Mtn Dew GF. I'm still upset that Pitch Black is gone. I missed out on the revival too.

Peripheral integration is perhaps the biggest crutch at Nintendo. You have do many components and many of which are proprietary. Sony gained my love when they announce Vita integration with the PS4, after failing to deliver with the PS3. Sony realized the Vita was struggling and needed and in.

I'd really like a modern Ghosts n' [STUFF] game. I know they did the PSP version "recently." I just remember loving those armor upgrades, for the longest time my youthful nostalgia merged AB and Gn'G as one. Needless to say, it took me a long time to revisit either since I was adamant on neither game being the one I

That's what I wondered too. Then I remembered I used to work for GameStop for almost three years. I would have countless parents buying their children GTA or Saints Row titles. I would plead with them to try something else. Instead their weak parental skills succumbed to the weight of their children's nagging. I even

Start with facts, pal.