
I'd rather sell it on eBay, unlocked, for more. I appreciate the input, as a former GameStop slave, I'd rather not send any business their way that I need not to.

Care to order mine as well? I only want the PS4, only after I can figure out how to get rid of my awful investment into a Wii U.


Because it is essentially sulphur, sand, and charcoal. Substitute sulphur for glowstone, require water to make wet powder and three stacks of wet in a furnade to make one dry, you've got a way for players to craft it, and not so easily you make it overabundant.

They still have yet to add craftable gunpowder.

To all those "waiting" for all the episodes to release. This is the only episode. This DLC is a bridge of TWD 1 to TWD 2.

I wouldn't be surprised. Then you'd have to load all the presets of other players weapons. Unlike character skins which are server side, these weapons are stored on each players computer.

It is like edited for TV movies: I remember Pulp Fiction, PULP FUCKING FICTION being sliced down to a 2 hour block of advert filled programming (the film has a 2:32 runtime).

I love soda without carbonation, I mean, it's better than nothing.

The controller is better than the standard one. Silver D-Pad (adjustable) and recessed thumb sticks make for more accurate play. I feel the plastic is a better quality too, but that's probably just a superficial quality.

Fuck the Po-LEEZ, man. Any fan of PDP is a fascist and a boob.

I only experienced one glitch at the beginning of the game, like 45 minutes in. Joel's body went half-way through the ground and speed ran with giant, spider-like, legs extending from the concrete. It was for a distance of maybe 3 meters in game. Nothing else after that happened.

Bronn's track suit is P-E-R-F-E-C-T. He looks so scummy.

That's basically what TellTale games said when TWD game came out. NO invert functionality, what-so-ever. Their forums even had a few several hundred-post count threads about this. Oh well, they have your money at that point!

Not at all!

As much as people hate on the XIII, XIII-2 soundtracks, there are some gems to be found. Most of it is crap, but I feel that all that crap blinds someone from giving a decent track notice, just as nostalgia makes some terrible tunes praiseworthy. I'm talking about you FFVII*.

White Girls 2: I love Tokyo, or: how I learned to not fight the white.

Too bad the full site commenting system on a mobile OS is terrible. Maybe it's just iOS devices that get retarded when it comes to spell check, but it usually is never a good time writing anything of length sans computer.

I super stoked for any DLC that may be about Tess, or Tess and Joel (the early years), Henry, Bill, etc. Hell, even some dlc of Ellie and Marlene.
