Did anyone else hear the crowd booing when the price dropped? $499 is so fucking much, JFC. I better get a free game..
Did anyone else hear the crowd booing when the price dropped? $499 is so fucking much, JFC. I better get a free game..
$19.99 here still.
Of course, you stick it up your bum.
Watchdogs has an undoubtedly compelling and unique take on a world, where hacking is the driving tool behind storyline. Sure we have seen "hacking" as a tool in other games to progress story, e.g. Deus Ex, Enter the Matrix, but nothing as impactful as what Ubisoft has presented today. With that said, I am willing to…
That's a choice, under go such an event. Even if the emotions fueling it aren't, e.g. being a woman trapped in a mans body. No vagina, or what one might call a "vagina" comes with the territory.
I guess I'll pick this up when it's $20, given that I will be occupied by school until December, once August comes.
Yes, yes...
If your short-term memory is so shot that you can't remember a sequence of 8 characters, you should perhaps reconsider prioritizing video-games over other...more useful pursuits...such as laying off the gangja.
I'm not sure how they're weird, no more than fury and strife. In fact, the latter are extremely ambiguous, given that War is fairly similar and embodies both those quite well.
I'm surprised they didn't have a recording of R2D2 just beeping and booping.
The Darksiders franchise failed the moment they sunk their two aces into 1 and 2. Why bullshit "fury" and "strife?" It's famine and pestilence; albeit pestilence is sometimes referred to as strife or conquest, they were going for what sounded cool—in place of creative story-telling.
We're weak, incompetent, etc, until one unsound individual commits an atrocious act, demonstrating colossal power over the truly weak, and then we're monsters.
It looks like Dust 514 meets Halo meets CoD.
How many WWI games were ever made for current gen?
Go home Xbox, you're drunk.
8 had one of the most enjoyable boss battles, since despite all that grinding, the last fight was considerably difficult. With that said, I never bothered beating any post cartridge games 'Omega' weapon characters.
EA will make more money off of any player who owns a copy of the game and wants access to the latest online content, than a player who didn't buy new, who doesn't want to buy an online pass, and thus no online content.
If a robot lady is a Fembot, does that mean a robot ape is a Rapebot?