The toast one made me LOL.
Why couldn't console manufacturers make an open box, with standardized hardware inside of it that could be upgraded at the choice of the user?
This actually looks quite fantastic.
Take THAT evolutionists.
How can you claim to be unaware of a games limitations, yet state immediately before that, the recreation was done poorly? To say something was "pretty poor" implies you have some grasp on what something done well might be in the medium, despite being oblivious to "how good this actually is compared to what others can…
I love it when that is followed by a campaign to feed starving youth in Africa. Ironically, only 50c a day will keep little Tim-Bok fed and vaccinated, whereas 65c is needed to get ole' Sparky a home to live.
The game undoubtedly will have a worthwhile story, enjoyable gameplay, and stunning visuals. However, because it doesn't cater to the lowest common denominator, I fear anything short of moderate success will seal Remember Me's fate as being nothing more than just a memory.
Dat wig.
Out of some 400 comments, I'm the only person to make an greek literature joke, and it doesn't even get approved.
What I wonder is: what is stopping the SS from shooting...and not stoping.
Juggalo's, trust-fund babies, and breeders can be of all races, ethnicities, cultures, and creeds. You chose the associate them with white trash.
I severely dislike Juggalo's. I think their particular lifestyle choice falls in line with one which does little to improve the quality of their own life and those around them. Right up there with trust-fund babies, and breeders.
I wonder if the playing the protagonists will be interchangeable, or if they will have a fixed timeline where you jump out of one and into another.
Really? Ghosts? Ugh.
Hey cool! Does that mean now we can have ZOE3?