
FACT. I used to teach and this is the absolute truth.

I was in a very similar situation as you. My school started at 7:40 as well and I used to get up at 5:30 as well, and I'd be at school at 6:45. If I remember correctly, I was told by some admins and teachers at my school that this would "Prepare us for college and the real world." Yeah...ok. My earliest class started

is Swift a woman of color? Only if "polar white" is its own color.

I can't really tell by the video, but often the Beatles could not hear themselves over the thousands of kids screaming, which is one reason they stopped touring. I loved Rubber Soul, bought it when I was seven with my hoarded lunch money.

She has almost nothing to do with "her" music. She is not a musician. She is a performer that is fed focus-group-tested rhythms lyrics.

It won't ever happen because it will fuck up sports schedules.

"So, your resume is quite impressive, but what qualifications specifically make you the chef we're looking for?"

"Could've used more vegan options."

3 stars. Delicious food, great decor, unforgettable service. Don't order the prime rib.

Kylie still looks like herself, but very, very matured. She's only 17—I can't tell if she looks like this because of make-up (likely), work done (unlikely), growing up (likely), or some combination thereof.

♫ Here's the story, of a lovely lady... Who was bringing up three very lovely girls. All of them had hair of gold, like their mother - the youngest one in curls. ♫

Does it come in 12-18 months too? I thinking that this would be cute on my daughter with the grey gymboree courdory pants I just picked up for winter. Looks roomy enough that it should snap around her cloth diapers with no problem.

Maybe Taylor Swift will use her newly found powers of feminism to teach Sheeran what's up.

Exactly. That is usually why I would wait. Either you would get "We told you to get edition 5, but 3 or 4 will also work, just remember the page numbers might be different." or "You will only need the book for one three week section, there are copies at the library and both the TA and I have a copy you can borrow for

I never buy the book before school starts. I've been burned too many times by professors who order an expensive book (the newest edition every time of course) only to have us barely use it.

Shouldn't the bookstore order enough for all of the students in all of the classes? That seems weird to me.

io8 will work on a 5c, just not 4 and 4s.

I wonder if they could do a open thread once and whoever wants to get out of the greys can "audition" or something. I know it's a lot to ask of them but it takes less then a minute to click on a user name and glance at their comment history and follow them. I've been commenting for over a year now, and I don't engage