Hey! Not kosher.
Hey! Not kosher.
This is more entertaining than the Alex Jones decision.
The best I can do is a couple eBay auctions where the seller didn't deliver. Riveting stuff, eh?
Is "performing in Chicago" PR lingo for "working his shift at Jimmy Johns"?
I saw the original post where you said "noun". Nevermind, you corrected it. We're good.
Ok, let me come right out with it. How do you expect this country to come together if nobody is willing to talk to the other side? Change isn't going to happen with signs in the yard or retweeting John Oliver quotes. It can only happen by sticking your neck out and taking a risk to really find out what the cause of…
In related news, two of the musicians referenced in that song wish to go by "Slim" and "Zamf", respectively.
This is not a miracle, and miracles are the way things ought to be.
You can call him Ray. Or you can call him Billy Ray…
What are talking about? We didn't do nothin'!
Yes, and he also had Scorpion's spear move.
I got a Warriors notification for THIS?!
"I've got an aunt who I love who voted for him, but she's a fucking idiot when it comes to politics, and that's why I never, ever talk to her about it."
Anyone is capable of believing their own bullshit. The tipping point is when they stop having a sense of humour about it. Just my take is all.
If you really want to help, find a supposed mis-informed rube and have a talk, listen, find out where they are truly coming from, and try to converse rationally. If they turn out to be a horrible person, the joke is on me. If they were duped and express remorse then we're on our way.
He had some movie with Cameron Diaz about a sex tape or something and at one point during the commercial he goes full Matt Foley and screams "It's in the Cloud! I don't know how the Cloud works!" I'm not sure but I think he crossed his eyes. That turned me right the fuck off of him.
Actions without considering intent.
Mis-informed is a word, too.
I think our families are similar but different. I can't say we're flawless, a few of our members showed their true colors in times of crisis, and they have been appropriately shunned. However, as a group, they are decent people who have and will help someone whether they are related or not. Trust me, I am the black…