
Ok, this might be unfair, but instead of pushing female characters, how about giving more to female creators?

Is Angela going to become Thor? That would be...hrrmm. I'm ok with all these changes to a point. If this is only a temporary thing so they can launch ANOTHER #1 for sales...then no, not ok.

Mark Dacascos? Really? That would be very cool actually.


Big ole Jet Airliner by Steve Miller Band always sounded like Big hotel Carolina.

ME TOO! So disappointed

Someone has seen The Black Hole

Now playing

I feel like this episode is best summed up as:

If nothing else, I look forward to the write ups that this site will provide. However, I do hope Hannibal returns as well.

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One more: John Hurt turning up in Spaceballs.

OH! Also, David Bowie in Zoolander.

Absolutely TERRIBLE movie, but Matt Damon's surprise appearance in Eurotrip

It was fascinating to see all the allusions to Steinbeck in this episode. There was Grapes of Wrath in the setup of their new house, there was Of Mice and Men with Lizzie and Carol, and so on. Very nice.

Vulcan, right?

My bad:

Adam X. The EXTREME (his codename was X-Treme) X-Man who was a long lost Summers brother.

That was actually a joke that fell flat. Kristen Bell presented with Michael B. Jordan, so she made it, "Michael B. Jordan and Kristen B. Ell."

I don't know if someone mentioned this, but beyond The King In Yellow, the show is pulling from this book: The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. This is a really deep show and well done. Just give them all the emmys now.

While I'm happy to see him reading what is a great book, I think Orwell's response would be: