The pre-orders were abundant. Then everyone started selling back their copies.
The pre-orders were abundant. Then everyone started selling back their copies.
While I agree with FF9 so much it HURTS, you’re missing Shadow Hearts 3, Mana Khemia (1 or 2), and Ar Tonelico (1 or 2), the most creative, fun, and involving JRPGs ever created. And I think you can consider Dark Cloud 1 and 2 JRPGs as well. So you really missed out on that one.
Meh, I’ve been playing Sora no Kiseki Evolution on Vita, and it’s... OK. It ‘s kind of dull, honestly. Combat is boring, even more boring than a turn-based RPG with menus and without the moving strategy. The story is... pretty much the same one every “the kingdom is being taken over!” story does. The characters aren’t…
No FF9 characters, no sale. Why does SE think everyone loves 13??
Japan doesn’t develop for it. At all. Not interested, sorry.
Very true.
Yes, and having a waiting bar while walking around waiting to hit things is just sooooooooooo realistic and modern ohmugurd.
I’m fine with progression if it’s done properly. I’m not some old fart who wants to return to pixels. Hell, that’s the last thing I want.
I’m excited, absolutely. I’m up for walking around in the city as opposed to pre-rendered backgrounds and items. But the action combat and separated approach worry me very, very much.
They’ve definitely been working on it waaaaaaay before the announcement trailer.
Sold in one package. They would have released it on one disc had that big of a disc existed at the time.
Sorry if I sounded negative. I absolutely agree with you that I feel that SE is going very safe and it’s sad. Just because something is old doesn’t mean it’s bad. It can be very reliable and fun.
God dammit. I miss games when they were all on one disc. That was nice.
The last Pop’n Music tournament in Japan I heard about had so few entries that they had to cancel it. The thing’s dying, and it needed something to shake it up. Hopefully, this will be that.
I love my Vita! But they had announced a new Way of the Samurai Vita game last year, and still no news on that... I’m afraid...
I actually just started playing the Evolutions version of this game on the Vita the other day. Coinkidink!
I’ve been playing it. I’ve died so much! lol
Hope Raditz’s VA didn’t do so! lol
Sounds like they threw some backstory in there to try and back up the reason they all wear black. Oh no, it’s not because we’re trying to make them appeal to fujoshi... No, of course not...