
People rents a night.

@jcb231: I'm sure the whole point was that... it's there, it's available, whether or not you can play it is irrelevant. :)

@Kantei Hehe, you are most welcome, and indeed I'm sure everyone are perfectly well educated or at the least capable of googling "define WORD". Glad you're in a better mood! :)

@Deez: Oh one more note about the L4D series. All official Valve servers are located within the US only. If you're an American living in America that's not a problem then. Just a heads up, though.

@Deez: Alien Swarm: Right down SHITTY matchmaking system. No lag/delay indicator. No official servers. Cannot sort games by region/players/lag

@Kantei: What a way to waste a star.

@Covenant: FYI and for future reference, spoilers are written in a sequential post. It will automatically be hidden behind the "See X replies" thing.

@WittyUserName: @jcb231: No. you need L4D (1 (ONE)) to PLAY it, but it's avaliable for download if you own either L4D1 or L4D2. You can still not play this L4D1 campaign on L4D2.

@Eternal: This comes as more of a shock to me than anyone else, because I am a HUGE fan of Japanese Voice actors... but I for one definitely prefer David. Don't really care what Kojima thinks. XD

Aren't newspapers supposed to reports news? You know, like journalists? Not blog about their personal opinions? I understand the victim and parents/grandparents of the victim blaming the game, but some consumers are idiots... Understandable.

HW+Medic make me go wtf XD Hilarious!

I love the spy at the end. Brilliant. :D

@triplecheeseburger: I find your nickname and display image to be offensive, but not because I am overweight.

@kayfouroh: Is that a serious question?
