
Wait, this sort of thing is legal in the UK? Sucks... Sorry guys.

I can imagine the browser being unable to even start when comparing a list of ads vs a list of all the sites that spread malware.

@BasicSand: Wait, you are not familiar... with ANY of these words and/or terms? No, no, really, I don't mean to be a bitch about it and I apologize beforehand, but... really!?

@SkipErnst: Man, so many good comments today. You've been <3'd as well.

@Tyrunn: *Applause* +1 (and <3'd)

@djlaser: Wow, do I feel stupid now...

They look so happy... I hate happy people! :|

@Irina Wylder: Finally found some information on this thing, and apparently a manual removal of the add-on does work... I have yet to test this with this new updated toolbar however... The article is a good three months old, but at least you get the gist of how to remove it.

Not to mention that if you have both Internet Explorer and FireFox installed on your computer, the Bing toolbar will install itself as three non-uninstallable add-ons in FireFox as well. This leaves me completely baffled as it cleraly states that (only) Internet Explorer is supported and compatible with this

@herosp: Hopefully also helped reduce the number of deaths of those "innocent" ones who might have been forced into the guerilla-milita. I don't know the whole story of course and can only speculate, but it would be quite positive if lives were spared because they could pinpoint the exact location and didn't need to

@Gameslaya: add adblock *.googlesyndication.* '+' */googleadservices.*

Hey! It's Friday. Where is my 'Hey! It's Friday.' topic? :|

@Prosthetics: Valve should sell Steam to someone capable of running and maintaining it. For this sort of service, I do not only expect, but require and demand that they AT THE LEAST manage to keep it ONLINE at all times. They can't even do this... Another thing I hate is how they can push client updates without

@reginald: IMHO it really wouldn't KILL the movie nor the game if Freeman actually spoke through a movie about Half-Life. I think it would be utterly retarded, actually, if he didn't. Even a hardcore Valve/Half-Life fan as myself realize and accept that (gladly).

@bigredfatman: Plunkett also wrote: Tune in next time when commenter bigredfatman shows us an even better and more amazing video. Don't miss out!

@Graham: You cannot rocketjump in Half-Life or Half-Life 2... TFC4EVER.