
@abates25: Don't feel bad, they'll forgive you. :D

@junior ghoul: I meant by using the word "Children"...

@ericesque: Very clever. I hope the water isn't turned in immediately after pressing your hand against it... I'm a leftie, I'd miss/waste a lot of precious water! D;

@Tyrunn: Hm... Well, people are different. ;)

What's the *glowy* hand print next to the sink do?

@alternativejoe: Haha, yeah I believe you do! Torrents reek of piracy from miles away. At least with using RS(or similar services) I don't stand out like one, regardless whether I am one or not.

@Tyrunn: No, RapidShare. Laugh all you want mister pirate, sir, but I quite enjoy the way RS works. Usenet is such a hassle, but I also liked it better when it was free. :\

@madara: I hope so too. If he is working here without pay; please Giz, put up a donation button somewhere!

@Freedoooom: Well rounded is right. Now I can't stop giggling. Americans are more intelligent... wow, +1 to you, sir.

@educatedmoron: He ALMOST had me. Thanks, steering clear of that bundle altogether now.

@Fuji-kun: You need not worry, young padawan, you are still learning!

@PinkSabbath: Good point.. So what is it? A hybrid?

@medopal: Yeah, me too. I've known a few girls and fewer guys into tech stuff. I feel like such an oddball, and my girlfriend thinks saying "lol" on Facebook makes her a geek. Bless her.

@Jams: Not everyone simply chooses a girl, you know... We're not accessory. ;]

@whmm: I hate you, HAL. I hate you!

@alienshards: My bank knew where to find some. They needed a picture for my card and they don't take them at the bank... Unless it's one of those nasty high-rent corporate ones.

@cicadymn: Oh my god, that matched my reaction perfectly!

@zen.impulse: Still, if anyone thinks strapping this device up to a child, thus violating them, is OK... Accusing them of being child molesters doesn't really seem unfitting.