
@PixelPenumbra: Hmmmm..... Yep! Although, I wasn't bitching, but it helps to know who had a better day. :D

Why is he just standing there for most of the video? TBH I would be more impressed if he was actually good at play the mod... Maybe runnin'n'gunnin' isn't programmed in yet...

@elgranbasio: You... play Star Craft II to on something other than a PC? Yeah, I think I know what the problem is...

@McDude_: Every single human benig have to reduce their (energy) consumption by 66% or more in order to reverse the degradation (read: it's dying) of planet earth. Right?

Are those pictures supposed to be jokes? I feel like I walked into a cracked dot com article and regretting it :\

@Chicken Express: Ash will be missed! :( My queue to grow up and stop watching Pokémon...

@Torusan: 4Kids made the worst subs in the sad, pathetic history of dubbing. They got lucky with Veronica Taylor. _

@Balmut: Supported inside a massive stone-structured frame with two giant dragon sculptures residing on each door-frame "shoulder".

Cool, now only 1'000 game producers left for making me waste my life failing the same bosses over, and over and over again. D:

@RedEye: You never know... It's not like they produce iPads the size everyone wants...

Google, the owner of Google Video and youtube, and (....) don't have the decency to make a fun video about this? ;<

@pixelsnader: I already don't regret watching you. <:

@Dadjoe: For personal use then, perhaps. I admit it's a really clever idea, but it just looks so small, to me, to be practical - more of a luxury.

@RedEye: Oh that is a good point! However especially then, having a device slightly larger would be the most convenient and appropriate, right?

@pixelsnader: Haha. In other words, yes, HTML tagging works! Thanks! ;