
@aek8: Which is a shame since these rocketscience geniuses apparently aren't rocket-sciency enough to understand the meaning of "limited resources".

@Tycho Vhargon: Did you just post your cellphone number on the Internet?

@Zinger314: Do these guys know any better?

@pixelsnader: You made me giggle. I'm now following you.

@rentahero1: Hey, we're only human. I bet I or someone else would have failed to notice it anyway at some point anyhow! Don't worry about it. (=

@Mailz: Southern Norway here. Unlimited plan. Never had any problems going past 5Gig either.

@pixelsnader: The people talking about ambigrams don't need a dictionary, perhaps?

@cptn dsmvwl: "Sonic the Hedgehog is awesome and if anyone says otherwise, I WILL fight them."

@nman: Haha, yeah that one made me laugh.

I don't cloud, but I'm glad to see that Norway is among the most restrictive. Sadly not THE most restrictive. Perhaps we get there with time.

@pixelsnader: Haha, I'm so making a wiki article about that word! :D

@rentahero1: Ahaha, fair enough. You didn't have a @NAME-HERE at the beginning of your comment so I had no idea it was at all related to anything but the article itself! My apologies! :)

@Live N Learn: Plus those ugly pictures/icons totally made me not want to look at it ever again. It was really cool until I noticed them.

@rentahero1: I fail to see how this piece of cheap, black plastic compete with actually splicing a fiber optics cable...

What's a Mythbusters?

@pixelsnader: Perhaps just a fancy and artsy way of making an ambigram?