
My grandparents hate it, theres not enough sex, violence, drug use, or history. Also i got them into vikings and my nan thinks the norwegian accents make them sound kinda "faggy" (no homophobia)

Ok so iv been wondering something for the past couple of years, the first scene of vikings where Ragnar and Rollo are fighting on some hill, what the hell was going on there?

If it makes you feel any better most of the fascism spreading across Europe is post-fascism, which is like the gentrified version embraced by disaffected social democrats.

Cant Todd get a fucking break already?

Close Shave was actually the name of a porn mag i found stashed in my dads dresser.

No your thinking of a different pop corn, the one we talking about did rape my sister though (well thats what she told our republican father).

Or as he would say, we gotta stop making money to make money.

Losing one tenth of a self-esteem isnt that bad.

C'mon its Christopher Nolan we are talking about here, he was going to valorize the Nazis anyway.

$500 is a new PS4 plus a years psn membership and a couple AAA titles.

Also i thought her mom was some IDF commando so i dont get the whole raised christian thing.

Is Randy even all that bad? hes just a bit of a spaz.

They are the kids that grew up on 4Chan, Newgrounds and Zeightgeist (the movie).

Just like in Sweeney Todd.

or a dirk.

I kind of agree with what your saying about video games not being a passive experience but the experience of commiting violence is so different from whats presented in a video games.

I wonder how hes going to react when he finds out how hes being depicted on south park.

I actually think small towns are better for not gunning down teenagers, the cops in those places are more likely to personally know the kids or their parents and theres less scary minorities to put the cops on edge.

"A caller asked if medical confidentiality laws applied to pets. She was advised they do not. The caller was apparently upset with a veterinarian for sharing medical information about a dog with her family, which ruined her Thanksgiving."-From the same police log.

I reserve the right to leer at my sexy enemies, although if i met her in person id be an absolute gentleman.