
They are awfully Aryan looking thats for sure.

She also has a personal stake in it.

Every time those brainless creatures are in town they impregnate a young, innocent, white coyote.

He made it across Canada, and Europe no issues..USA USA USA

I think its supposed to be read as Kurdistan: The Other Iraq.

Well people try to make him responsible, i dont know if anyone else here reads The Atlantic but theres plenty assholes accusing Obama and the dems of being racists and causing racial division.

Thats what they say about Toronto, there was someone on the national radio bitching about it.

I know, its like cmon guys, the Germans are past that shit, stop being so unoriginal and come up with something new, not some shit you cribbed from history channel.

Rudie in a box
Dolly Conway


Iraq, The other Iraq (Kurdistan)

i dont like dubbs, i like subtitles because after a while i forget im reading and start thinking i actually understand another language.


When they do movies set in the bronze age why does everyone have haughty british accents? if anything shouldnt they have italian or greek accents.

I think it all comes down to who they would like to have a beer with, it sure as shit isnt policy.

Not to mention impractical.

I dont know, Red Foreman was pretty jokes when he was stoned.

and much, much more oily.

member the somme, member Field Marshall Haig, member all the men who drowned in the mud

No your thinking of X: The last (White) Devil