
Then they can go to the ISP's next, but REALLY there Google!!!! They know everything about us, EVERYTHING!!!!

Yes, that is why they copied it so closely....

But see if you didnt do anything wrong, what if the next person uses the same excuse and is doing something that could harm us.... Franklins quote was valid before we had so much security trouble...

Ohhhh I think he is referring to the Linksys networking.... I own o... Actually i dont own either of them...

same here, though im younger, so hopefully we both see these things

They are free to make those anti-something comments, thats fine. Its racism and hate towards those people that is wrong.... You have the right to say something against something, not say crap about someone because of there lifestyle and or religion. Racism isnt a right, it should be treated like a crime. There is no

get your fertilized veggies! Fresh with nutrients...

I agree, it does have its limits, but more towards hardware wise.... You can use the sd card reader and jailbreak to use it, but why? But the directory is actually very usable, just look at iFile. It is a full fledged directory where you can save anything, and open anything.

lol, yeah it took a while but I finally got him over to gmail.... I just kept it up for like a month and put it to forward and auto reply emails with the new email address... Then when he finally switched to gmail he was saying how much more easier it was, and how there was less spam....

K lets stop, sorry didnt mean to offend you, I dont have anything against gays.

ip address? the fact that there google alone should tell you that they know a lot about you....

These have been around for a long time, I was just using one in the shop a few days ago, and a lot of stuff there is like 9 years old...

Oh, well than I agree... Though I havent looked at them, and I hope you (thinking your a boy) havent either...

Dude you sound like a teacher lol ;)

I am sorry if I offended you, (Honestly) I didnt know that prepaid phone plans had to have credit check done on them, since they are PRE-Paid...

except when used in fast and furious and those HIDEOUS tuners


At least they create more life like examples.... Zinger!!!!

What do you mean by that? Im not Saudi, just asking...

Dubai has skyscrapers too, its nothing new