
God damn it, I KNEW there was money in short stories. I never should have listened to my family.

I’ve been assured that gold will continue to be valuable after Obama destroys the world economy.

This story makes it sound more silly than it is. Think of it less as a search for UFOs and more of a “Let’s think of every way we can detect any possible flying craft because we never know what some other nation might come up with next.” The fact that it might also detect UFOs is a mostly trivial side effect.

It isn’t

What happened to the A.V. Club?! This article is complete self-righteous garbage.

What is “The Point”? Genuine question, since somehow, “sexual harassment exists on a continuum” is apparently the wrong take.

... and also went out of their way to play acoustic guitar in the quad during their college days.

I’m pretty sure anyone who has ever referred to themselves as a warrior poet has committed sexual assault.

How about the guy who gave him the job?

this is bullshit, Funkhouser is hilarious

I dont care about super dave or whatever, but he’s probably the funniest of Larry David friends on Curb

also the more plastic surgery he gets the funnier it is

Is there anything more hateable than some corporate lackey who acts all whacky while he robs the American people?

Are you honestly going to sit there and tell me you didn’t laugh at his delivery of the “It tastes like I stuck a straw in a frog’s ass” line? I don’t believe you.

There is still a hole in this story. She said she resigned because she wanted to make the one year mark, which would be January 20. But Secret Service said they already deactivated her pass, which means she’s out for good and not sticking around until January 20. Something is not adding up here.

Ajit Pai is a fuckboy.

I think that’s a fine term, hallowed by usage and consecrated by time.

It’s always interesting to watch conservatives attempt humor. The references are almost always hilariously out of date, the attempts at self-deprecation are usually painfully forced, and it comes across like they decided to improv the first take and then felt it was comedy gold that couldn’t be topped. It’s like

Or dangerous in the way that she could do this to a total psychopath who takes it completely the wrong way and tries to murder and/or rape her.

You all need to thank black people who turned out and kicked ass

I hope Moore never concedes. I hope he shows up at the capitol on the day Jones is to be sworn in and winds up being forcibly removed from the building. I hope a female guard kicks Moore in the nards on his way out.

Sure, but it’s a reminder that all of the symbols of rugged male authenticity in American conservative politics — see also “Sheriff” Clarke’s stupid fucking hat and flair, or grifter Zinke’s upside-down fly rig — are bullshit.

Larry King doesn’t look like he can accurately recall what he had for breakfast yesterday.