Inverse Falcon

As someone who would not be able to discern that, ignorance is bliss.

I thought it was excellent too. Way better than expected. Perhaps taste in things like this is somewhat subjective.

I understand if you didn't like it, you definitely won't be alone in that opinion, but don't speak for other people. People watch Star Trek for lots of different reasons, I'm sure many enjoyed it just as much as you disliked it.


You haven’t heard K-pop until you’ve heard it in the original Klingon.

That was ridiculous and insane and I loved it.

Probably my favourite Nick Frost performance, full stop.

Hot Fuzz is best, Shaun of the Dead is a close second, and while The World’s End is in third, for me, it’s still an amazing movie. The film’s numerous choreographed fight scenes are worth the price of admission alone. I didn’t love the ending the first time I saw it, but I’ve grown to appreciate how ballsy it is.

I understand his reasons for selecting The World’s End as his favorite, but Hot Fuzz’s script is a masterpiece of structure and dialogue equaled by the performances of everyone in the movie.

She opened every Tropes vs. Women video with the same line:

Most of the manosphere reactionaries never watched a single Feminist Frequency video. They reacted to the lies YouTube dudebros told them.

idk 15 years is a great run, I’d consider this pretty successful

The ideas where *so incredibly* basic, 100 course level, surface-skimming concepts that the fact The Gamers(tm) reacted the way they did still dumbfounds me when I think about it. I cannot think of a single thought experiment more harmless than any concept she discussed.


Grab a seat

Guy Gardner isn’t just my favorite Green Lantern, he’s in my top 10 comic heroes period. And if I can’t get Nathan as Booster Gold, I will GLADLY take him as Guy.

Fillion is playing Ch!p; 10:1.  

Not a popular opinion, while Voyager was not a great show, Janeway is my favorite Captain of the whole franchise.  She just has that perfect blend of command and humanity that makes her seem slightly more real then any of the rest of them, while still being an incredibly impressive role model.

I wish this faith based pregnancy centers would be shut down.