
Yep, you definitely sound caucasian!

You know, I see the point you are (somewhat poorly) trying to make, but that’s not the point of this article. The problem is that too many people see “speaking properly” not as a “human value” but as a solely WHITE value.

World War ZZZzzzzzzzzzz...............

Kid after my own heart right there.

Polite AND sensible! What a kid!

If that were my kid, that’d be my proudest moment. I think I’d shed a tear.

Suck it, fucko.

That’s how I describe myself on OkCupid.

I think the best way to describe Boston is “progressive... a lot of ignorance”.

Agreed. Troll.


I’ll tackle that second question. To preface this, I am transgender and medically transitioning.

That race “means” anything is a social construct. That my skin and hair and features are different from yours and can only get that way because of who my parents are is not. And no, plenty of white people are not perceived as Black. She is not Black because she has not a drop of African blood and is the child of two

You should read the article, it answers your question.

Marvel: Don’t worry, we’ve hired a man to supervisor our female director.

And someone who also used to live and work there, I concur with this post. Nothing like The Beach Boys song.

dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity

My job is my job. My catharsis is cross-stitching and no one can take that from me.