Cinnamon Owl

That actually seemed to be a trend in college republican groups. As with solidly conservative newspapers that hadn't failed to endorse the Republican candidate for 50 years, but just couldn't do it this time.

It's kind of astonishing to me which people they think don't need to be involved in various decisions.

Having finished a delightful rewatch, a vital key to the whole thing is Michael's line in the finale about stealing a Good Place Janet they can use. For the season just past, it meant that he and the other minions of hell weren't just trying to fool our four, but also fool GP Janet.

One high school. Business district, but no towering skyscrapers.

They voted for Obama in 2012. If they hated the way Congress was acting, they could have sent a message in 2016 by voting those people out of office—they didn't. (Unusually, R house candidates got the same number of votes as Trump—usually it's several million less. As it was for Dems.)

Yeah, that's just wack and should be met with a "so nice typing at you bye."

At least, celebrities denouncing him before a massive audience will encourage him to go on the sort of unhinged tirades that will lay the groundwork for acceptance of the eventual 'removed for dementia.'

Tactically, the sight of an empty stage as they try to give an award (or shout out, or whatever) to the Iranian film is going to capture a lot more attention as a symbol than would a programming note that everyone stayed home, so it's going to be a new episode of a regular TV show.

Obama didn't sign off on it in the sense that the military wanted to do it on a moonless night, and there wasn't one before he left office.

Sad upvote.

It would be nice if liberals treated him as a ridiculous poser, rather than like they'd been sent from central casting to demonstrate their hatred of free speech.

I sincerely don't understand the reasoning "If we turn to violence to stop this person from talking, people will decide not to listen to him."

I was in college in the 80s, and still remember how irritated I was that protesters (with whom I in broad principle agreed) shouted down a speaker (with whom I in broad principle disagreed) because they held that letting people talk is way too dangerous to be allowed.

Note they are trying for "just listen to Trump and ignore the media" as an explicit strategy.

Put with the clip of him yanking Gorsuch off his feet for weird reasons during the announcement, he is definitely living up to the dementia rumors.

What worries me is that in a week and a half of jaw-dropping unAmerican unconstitutional amateurism and idiocy, this is the one reasonable thing Trump has done—nominate a qualified and respected jurist. It is therefore a weird point for the focus of Democratic opposition.

I think we're going to be citing South Park's underwear stealing gnomes as geniuses at thoughtful tactical planning in comparison.

All anyone needs to know to understand Trump is that he praised Frederick Douglass for recently becoming more known.

Very often there seems to be a cousin's stride-mother's nephew who totally had this technique work.

The one good outcome of Trump, I guess—that 'but the man did sketch comedy!!!!' isn't going to sound like much of an objection.