Cinnamon Owl

As frustrated as I am that Trump's "I will be great, and the mill will come back to your town" is thoroughly illogical, I note that every single election—not just this one—is marked by the repeated Dem comment "I'm panicking! Reassure me!" And their fellow liberals trot out and explain the current list of memes for

I've thought about that (I love Biden) but I'm not sure two old white guys fighting to appeal to old white guys without a college degree as the most important people (still some more) would have motivated other parts of the Dem coalition to turn out.

How about being mad at all the people who thought Trump was the worse option, but didn't feel motivated enough by that sentiment to turn out and vote?

More numbers: A two point shift. (And that's a pretty normal amount for the polls to be off by in a presidential election—they were off a bit more in the last, but because that moved Obama from narrow to comfortable victory rather than flipping the result, it's not seen as a big deal.)

And since inspiration plays into the D's turnout problem in off-year elections—if there's no presidential race, a lot of their partisans stay home:
Difference in popular vote for House in millions, presidential years, staring in '92:
D+5, D+1, tie, R+3, D+13, D+2
Difference in popular vote for House in millions, off

Posts on numbers.
First, pop vote for pres in 2004, 08, 12, 16, rounded to the nearest million*.
R: 62, 60, 61, 60
D: 59, 69, 66, 60

A very human response, not limited to Republicans in Wyoming in 2016, is to have a less than noble response to "How about you give up some of the power you hold now, so that it's more fair for everyone?" This would be true for small rural states even if the results switched each year.

NBC, I could really have used a The Good Place tonight.

Dem turnout.

I loathe Gingrich, but he built this. Starting in the 90s with the 'just obstruct all the time' stuff.

"He's got to run the toss-ups AND flip a blue state. (Which at least explains why he's campaigning there.) Very narrow path."

I am puzzled because the primary polls were pretty accurate. Once IA, NH, SC, and NV voted it was clear that there were not shy Trumpers hiding in the shrubbery where pollsters couldn't find them. Nor were people telling pollsters 'Trump' to mess with them, then voting for Jeb or Kasich. The polls were accurate. So

The people who turned out for Trump—and a lot of them did—don't view "socialist" as "like our many allies from whom we could take a few models." He would be the socialist communist atheist fascist who was going to Take Your Guns and Give Them to Commies.

If you would like to feel good about the election: has stories from women voting in this election, who were born before women in the US could vote.

At last, Trump's attempts to fundraise from parliaments in the British empire is explained.

On a personal level: This knocks out me, my husband, our kids, my father, my bil and sil. All college-educated people in the middle class, and extremely pasty.

Credit where it's due: Beck is opposed to Trump not because of fine lines of what a True Conservative stands for, but because he met him a few years back and concluded at the time that he was unhinged. ("Come to my room Glennnnnn…. okay now that you're here I will telephone you…")

Make a quilt.

I'll put on George Winston to go with the Weather Channel's beautiful weather coverage.

Not if it drives porn to be amateur out of state no rights for workers because they're all "part-time."