Cinnamon Owl

I think it's a good encapsulation of his not having any deeply-held principles per se, just passing grievances.

Trump supporters: "So the lesson is we should have gone with someone crazier…"

Now that just seems sensible. If you're going to stand in line for hours, there should be french fries.

I have the same reasoning, but inverted: wtf, Brazile? You think the Dems need a heads-up about a question on unsafe drinking water in Flint, Michigan? Because they won't be prepared for it if you don't tell them?

Trump explains his position on Putin, in debate before millions of viewers: "If you say nice things about me, I will say nice things about you."

Interesting fact: WikiLeaks has a harsh nondisclosure agreement with massive fines if you, err, leak. Transparency is for other organizations, you see.

What's left to say?

I had expected that to go the direction of "… and the local police now know to take a very close look at him and he may find himself arrested for a local crime."

This far into Shinwell's tale and I can tell you he's recently out of jail.
• May be struggling to find a straight and narrow job. Or may be using that as a cover for his Nefarious Gun Needing Doings.
• Interested in his daughter. To what degree or end is unclear.

Sam Wang at PEC has a long post up describing how they arrive at their very high certainty. One thing I found really interesting in the middle, comparing what they do to 538:
One site has the goal of being correct in an academic sense, i.e. mulling over many alternatives and discussing them. The other site is driven by

Another change: 5 years ago, about 30% of evangelicals thought that someone's personal morality and public life could be uncorrelated (e.g. someone who cheats on his wife can still be a responsible public servant), while the irreligious were more like 75%. This year, the evangelicals caught up with the atheists, and

I'm not feeling the larger themes of the season.

I liked the vigilante twists and turns, because that always seemed like such an easy set-up with Angry Vigilante Cop from past seasons. You want to expand your drug territory? Pick an unsolved crime, tell her that your chief rival did it, rival removed. I liked that the story did several variations on aiming the


This is why it's helpful to read history as an adult. As a child, everyone is always doing things for noble reasons and without sex scandals, and the current mess looks like some great fall in comparison. Whereas actually it has ever been wack.

Er, isn't Podesta the theft with Russia's fingerprints most strongly on it, since the phishing unusually went to a known state-linked hacker rather than through several intermediate layers?

I just keep remembering 2000 and the chance that this could go weeks with recounts of close races. Which is why I want a landslide. (I think the argument that polls miss Latinos, and Republican women fed up with being told to embrace the Trump, is stronger than the shy Trumpster theory, so this seems plausible. Plus

PEC is at 50 D, 50 R for the Senate right now. RCP has 8 toss-ups with 46 safe D, 46 safe R. It really isn't only Nate meanly saying that Senate races have closed.