
Worst thread ever.

I seem to recall the backup dancers dancing in a line, but no, not like in this episode.

But they hired away this place's most annoying reviewer!


Don't forget "first: kill a bunch of random poor people. If that doesn't work, kill some people who deserve it"

Third biggest laugh of the show.

"next, print out a picture of me using a laptop from 1982

Huh, I'd never even thought of it as fit=strong. I suppose that might screw a bunch of people up.

How the fuck did I not even know the new season was starting until seeing this review and then noticing that it was fucking episode 8?

But was the joke that Randy was Lorde 8 days ago, or is that an on-the-fly retcon that makes this episode? The combination of continuity and quick production is messing with my head.

Yes, I thought she sounded odd

yeah, it was pixelated out, bad photoshop.

The shakeycam in some of the scenes was really terrible.

Pretty terrible now!

Agreed. I wouldn't call this a good episode, but it was an improvement on last week

I like to bring probably body odor into it, too

I'll just say I'm never going to watch this episode again.

Also: terrible umpires and referees.

And some were younger than my daughter.

Bueller? Bueller?