
Bueller? Bueller?

I was too busy still being horrified that they thought that Ditmer scene was a good idea.

This will come as a surprise, but Mrs. Blankenship is older than 70. Anybody can tell that

I mean they indicate they're bigger then Texas

Yeah, there's no mystery about the incentives.

And then no mention or thoughts of of repercussions for the Russian ambassador being tortured in his home by someone working for the American government

If you ignore everything you're told about Berlin's daughter and the fact that she doesn't remember speaking Russian and she's old enough in the picture he has of her for her to know what happened if that was her.


As twists go, that was hilariously bad.

You think that Megan Boone is a white male?

This episode would have been terrible without the reactions to someone dying in that universe

Cases overturned? I do not think "that man isn't really a psychic" is cause for appeal

They had all of season 5 to explain why the Others were so insanely hostile (what percent of them get killed for essentially no reason during the modern era in the show? 10%?) and never even bothered. That's when I gave up on the mythology.

Yep, all of this.

Completely forgot about that.

This would have caused such an amusing thread, too. Disappointed we're not going to get to see that.

And the nanites were around for some unknown period of time before the power went out.

You're awful

One of my biggest laughs of the night.

I've said in other reviews that it's like she doesn't even try to act, but this isn't her fault.