
They survived because the US has a high level of law and order and they're not worth robbing. Different situation when there is only enough food for 10% of the population to not starve to death and the military and police are disbanded

You might not want to drive on them, but the highways would still exist and still have road signs

The nanites also seem to have eliminated virtually all of the Hispanics north of Mexico, for some reason.

It took tens of thousands of technological evolution to get around to doing things like we were 200 years ago, and there are a lot of skills and knowledge we've forgotten. Add to that the chaos of 90% of the population starving in the first year and the further loss of knowledge that would entail

It's not a vaccine. It was an antidote to a poison

Alcoholism certainly depresses the immune system. Ludicrous that you'd need to bother trying to kill people off in the situation the world would be in at that point.

Yes. The creators donate exclusively to Democrats.

Somewhere not using dollars.

Is that a new stereotype?

You were saying it with a "u"?

I'm Jeff Winger and I'd rather look at myself naked than the women I sleep with

"I know you know it's wrong to do that! You ought to be ashamed!"
"All right. I'm ashamed. Lie."

"At least with a bris there's an element of suspense"

the bullet in this was able to make turns in an incredibly tight radius. Had to be pulling thousands of g's.

While I found her hot as Gift Shop Girl, for some reason she never did it for me on Chuck.

Jeffster had started to annoy me by the beginning of the 5th season, then they fixed Jeff's brain and he got a flamethrower.

Watching that after the finale, you can see the larger budget S2 had.

2 years later, that's still the case.

There were two Pretender movies, really?

I had basically purged most of season 4 from my mind until rewatching it just now. Forgettable stuff.