
Their house was made far more valuable, they sold it, and they had "no payoff"?

TAR seems like the weirdest show to have localized versions of. How is the Australian version different?

Others like me spend several hours a week thinking about it. God, I suck.

If she's anywhere close to a "feminist role model" that's a horrendous indictment of feminism. Like, say, calling Jerry Springer a journalist role model.

That's way more mysoginistic than I was going.

If I'm naming a best sitcom episode excluding Seinfeld and Arrested Development, this is #1. Just amazing.

although I also don't think Daenerys is quite the feminist role-model some fans think she is

You know, I really don't care whether you loved or hated this episode, but I do care that you think there can't be such a thing as a bad opinion. So fuck you.

Also: the rest of the cosmos.

No, fuck you for having a bad opinion.

I was sort of wondering when they had the Red Robin Wedding if they were going to have a shock ending to the series. "South Park is over. Really. There will be no new episodes"

But A Song of Ass and Fire was one of the best few episodes of the past four or five years. No idea where you're coming from here.

I felt like they should have done more of a GOT thing with the visuals there, but I guess it probably wasn't worth the money

Yeah, that was odd

The old man yelling at Cartman always worked.

The Bill Gates prison tattoos killed me. The episode wasn't as good as the last one, but that was great.

So are they going to force a Star Wars quote in every episode now?

Really? I must have missed it

"this will be a mistri-" [shot in the face]