
They've got to maintain their accents somehow.

Given that explosives couldn't dent his skull, I don't see that working.

That's not true… that's impossible!

Imagining the scene where they tried to destroy his head in this new version

Well sure, but fuck them and their desire to see things.

Hey, that's the best part! It's like I'm 20 years younger! (then I fixed the font size)

This really needs an idiocracy screenshot.

And how are we supposed to find posts with inane questions about why women are less likely than men to have orgasms during one night stands without Slate?

I was thinking a mess of frames.

The good news about the redesign is that it made me feel young with its huge font

Probably just temporarily broken, but we'll see.

Slate just went from one terrible comment system to another, though.

They used to be in reverse chronological order. What was annoying was that if you were watching old episodes of something, every time you paged back from the review to the episode list it reverted to the list of episodes from the current season. How many times are you trying to spoil me, AVC?

The fancy is literally unusable. Could not be used to send an email. Turning off the features made it nearly as good as it was before they ripped it to pieces.

A group as ruthlessly logical and left-brained as AV Club employees? Unpossible!

Show needed to be Robocop with Blade Runner and some Demolition Man

Didn't really notice fake Harvard

oh my lord, new AVClub design is an attrocity.

Do you drool on your plate a lot?

"I think that's her mother and Agent May still took her to the orphanage."