You're Killing Independent George

I haven’t purchase Google Home, but I have Amazon’s Alexa/Echo and love it. We’ve integrated it with WiFi plugs (TP-Link predominately), which means that we can control the vast majority of lights and other devices by voice.

I haven’t purchase Google Home, but I have Amazon’s Alexa/Echo and love it. We’ve integrated it with WiFi plugs

Your prize may literally be more valuable

Now playing

Maybe buuuuut this... (if you’re impatient, you can skip to 5:00 but the whole thing is good)

You do realize it’s not an either/or thing, right?

What flaws are they aware of and are not fixing?

Kind of on-topic - We have a pet cockatiel and have to put stickers on the windows so he doesn’t fly into them. I know - birds are stupid.

The 14 stunned birds were later quoted as saying “They were so good at the beginning of the season, what the fuck happened?!”

Well sure, if you still have a phone with a decent bezel.

Still confused! Does that mean that we are supposed to stretch our arms way out?

Wait. How are we supposed to look at phones?

baseball fans that pay close enough attention to contracts tend to be smarter than the average ESPN viewer.

And that’s a fine argument to make.
But I take issue with the condescending tone of the original comment, as well as the claim that her career was “insignificant” simply because someone who has “a degree in film studies and an extensive Blu-Ray collection” is only able to name one movie that she was in.
There are plenty

Is that him? Even the color of his eyes is different.

I’m likely going to catch hell for saying this, but she didn’t deserve to be included. Alexis Arquette didn’t make any significant contribution to film. She wasn’t a particularly good actress and didn’t have any significant roles in any significant films. The only conceivable reason to include her in the first place

After violating the conditions of his release, it’s nice to see he’s finally learning about personal responsibility and consequences. Mainly, that his current situation is totally the fault of the lawyers he hired who weren’t able to get him off.

I would gladly drive a Jaguar if it had a real jaguar for an engine and it cost $12.

I must have issed her major roles - I don’t recall her in Pulp Fiction at all - what roles should I have known herwork from? I only know her from her Transactivism and photos with her more famous siblings.

Seriously? She wasn’t a celebrity of the stature to warrant a mention alongside Debbie Reynolds, Carrie Fisher and Patti Duke.

But it doesn’t have any of those things...