You're Killing Independent George


A sales tax approved by the citizens.

The family has set up a website... that encourages other fans to share similar memories.

It’s Friday afternoon.  

im rthe rat from the video

The problem is the Red Sox are in Ft. Meyers, FL and not Jupiter, which has a much stronger gravitational pull. He was over-correcting.

I assume it’s something more along the lines of “CEO’s have an important role in an organization, but are not worth 200x the average employees salary”.

It’s right up there with lawyers who use Esq. and non-MD phds that call themselves “doctor”. And really, if you’re going to call yourself “President” you’d better have at least 2 people working for you who you aren’t related to.

You could at least have linked to the un-photoshopped picture.

Unfortunately, also:

Counterpoint — Exxon’s $400mm man:

Slightly OT, but I love when my fb friends who own a small business list their occupation as “CEO”. No, your independent record label that is literally just you and your graphic designer buddy does not have a Board of Directors and you are not a CEO. Owner, Founder, sure. I’ll even accept “President” if that makes

“Technical foul for doing something I don’t understand and will never be capable of doing.” - Wonder Bread Ref

Not to mention his dad, Howie, was a firefighter in 1998's Firestorm.

the only thing i care about in football is when the winning team lines up to gently kiss the tip of the president’s penis and receive a championship muffin

“There is no reset button on real life situations police face.”

I get the complaint (though I’d quibble with the 75% generalization), and it’s something we wrestle with. The problem is that this site isn’t only written for Kinja Deals readers; we also cater to passerby from other GMG sites who happen upon our posts while reading other articles.

I get the complaint (though I’d quibble with the 75% generalization), and it’s something we wrestle with. The

The man on the tape wasn’t specific.

we can be lurking buddies! wasting an entire 8 hours at work is tough. i can always use the help.

After you stopped watching to write this, he asked a black reporter to set up a meeting with the black caucus, blamed an uptick in Nazi graffiti on “the other side,” and, fuck, probably a few other things but I’m high now because weed is medicine and I’m very sad.