You're Killing Independent George

I think the only reasonable solution is some kind of no-holds-barred battle royale to the death with the trainers and staff. Just put all 11 orcas and all the people in the pool until only one person or whale is left, then they are king of Sea World.

Trump claims terrorism is the greatest threat to the World. Then picks on Rosie and Joy. Obviously Trump is more concerned with the appearance of concern, but only when it suits him. It also shows that the White House did a piss-poor job of researching the greatest threat to the World and are putting people with

To be fair, he’s only getting an early start because his impeachment will inevitably slow things down, re: campaigning.

Tl;dr: we don’t care who she fucks, as long as she FUCKS OFF.

This isn’t accurate on a number of counts.

It also makes regular people become criminals. I was hit by a driver in Houston a few years ago. I wanted a police report for my insurance company. The driver was fine until I started to call the police. It took me a minute to realize he probably wasn’t afraid of the ticket, but possibly was undocumented. These laws

Hear, hear!

Don’t forget your relaxation technique, George.

Who am I confusing him with? I thought he was (at least at one time) on Fox News Watch. Time to Google.

I love that there is a German word for this. A long word, but a word nonetheless.

The Seinfeld camaraderie is amazing. Us Georges, divided against ourselves, cannot stand!


youre all fuckin gold

Something something about snowflakes and liberal media bias and this is a tech blog etc, where are the gadgets, etc

This is a bad take. Unless you thought the NAZIs were really onto something, you should respect the shit out of volunteers and draftees who went to try and stop them.

Man, I agree COMPLETELY that the punishment was light, but I don’t know if this qualifies as a firable offense in my eyes. Again, don’t get me wrong—a week suspension is complete bullshit. I clicked on this story ready to be in full-on outrage mode. I don’t know what a proper punishment should be, but “a lot more than

Um, what?

Tesla will probably fix it for free. Here’s hoping- good PR.