You're Killing Independent George

I’m all man laughing alone with a poster of laughing women together

Maybe it’s too apples to oranges to even compare, but this sort of intensifies my paralyzed feeling about what I’m really supposed to do to tactically to spread anti-racism, if not what this guy is doing**. I have been advised repeatedly to “fix my own community” (white people) - even though I don’t live or exist in

I’m not disputing the notion of a racial disparity here, but do you REALLY think Ray Rice got into trouble?

Hard to imagine that the wife of a billionaire would get enticed by a ‘free trip to Chicago’, especially since ‘free’ means you have to go on TV and talk about being abused.

Nah, you definitely are not an ass for correcting me - I was an ass because I was correcting someone else and they were right! Well at least one of them was. Here I was basing my answers off of the 1985 Trivial Pursuit Genus edition and they went and changed stuff! How am I supposed to keep track of recent changes

Except word is Gen. Patraeus is likely to be the next pick... also noted that there is “no mention of whether the teams in the St. John’s team’s division - the JV black league - can or cannot be co-ed, though other divisions are mentioned as strictly boys or girls teams.”

I’m sorry, but this is asinine. What city or scenario would it benefit a traveler to leave the terminal and return for a flight? I can’t think of a situation, layover or delay where the prospect of the extra 20 or 30 minutes of security would be the prohibiting factor in making this decision.

People were not routinely leaving the terminal during layovers before 9/11. Security is not new - we still had to go through metal detectors and put our bags through the x-ray machine before 9/11. There security theater is more dramatic and standardized now, especially for shoe removal and liquid limits, but it really

“Look at this crazy markup! You magnificent bastard, I salute you!”

But maybe he’s building a giant dam, global warming will melt polar ice sheets and then everyone will be like “darn, that’s a useful wall after all, it’s actually a giant dam!” sarcasm

Yep, I’m a dumbass - I didn’t check it again before I posted.

I’m 36 and I’d still be thrilled.

I have neighbors who park multiple non-running vehicles on the street, and have boats that have not seen the open water in years in thier driveway.

ah I didn’t mean because she’s a woman, though I’m now seeing how it might be read that way! Meant...I usually love her, but she didn’t scream Sessions to me the way McCarthy is so wonderfully, perfectly Spicer. That’s all.

Seriously? That’s your comment, on the interviewer’s clothing? If this gets cross-advertised to Jezebel you are toast.

You are missing the point, it’s not about changing the behavior of a species it’s about reducing the numbers of predators. When these gene edited animals are released they will mate and pass on their the edited gene so greatly reducing the number of females in the wild with a larger amount of edited males the

> Team Internet

Feel free to watch the live stream at the bottom if you have a tough time seeing. Happy viewing!

Ugh you mean the same Project Veritas that has been exposed as as a dishonest, partisan conservative producer of lies and propaganda?