You're Killing Independent George

Your 6 year old showered when they were 2? My daughter still freaks out when I pour water on her head.

Also not widely known - the rumble strips at the sides of motorways are to let blind drivers know what road they’re on and what junction’s coming up...

And...? If the ancestors of those slaves were still being denied basic rights and discriminated against by the ancestors of their former enslavers, I’d support their right to create a snarkily titled Netflix series as well.

Can you imagine the uproar if white people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and after having been freed were still denied basic rights for another century, and then were denied the tools that would allow them to better their overall circumstance like decent education and access to housing and banking, and then

Yes. He used to be Fabienne from Pulp Fiction.

Am I the only one to consistently conflate munchkins and oompa-loompas?

And some, I assume, are good people.

So it seems they seized the poetry books without rhyme or reason....

Oh, Thank Spaghetti Monster.


this is even more hilarious because he/she missed the joke.

To be fair, I think you could easily apply that fraction to pretty much any other group.

Our tax dollahs pay for ya shitty chahtah schools, snappahhead.

They’re not anarchists at all.

What underpinned all of that—well-trained and therefore expensive gladiators, a massive professional army, and copious amounts of monumental architecture—was a powerhouse of an economy that produced incredible surpluses, enough to support cities of hundreds of thousands of people and a vast and diversified mining and

“Irregardless” is also incorrect. Don’t hate us because we’re literate.

In my program, we were actively discouraged from writing in any way popular audiences could possibly construe as entertaining or interesting. It’s mind-boggling.

(i think that was a joke. ‘cause we say “irregardless” up here. you’re making us look like humorless assholes.)

Irregardless, Boston sucks.

Alternate question: