You're Killing Independent George

Kimberley is, according to “her” comment history, a progressive liberal who’s had three abortions, minored in climate science at an Ivy league school and, managed to get stuck in Yemen during the recent immigration ban.

Third rule in Latino families: leave your wife after she donates her organs to you.

Kyle Shanahan would have thrown a couple more passes.

It’s OK, I admit it’s not an easy system to work around. The success of places like H&R have appealed to exactly what you’re looking for, cheap and convenient. The problem is in the trade-off w/ what they do in addition to being cheap and convenient.

It’s OK, I admit it’s not an easy system to work around. The success of places like H&R have appealed to exactly

I buy the download version so I can do multiple household returns for the same price. H&R Block includes 5 e-files with each purpose.

I buy the download version so I can do multiple household returns for the same price. H&R Block includes 5 e-files

I’m struggling to come up with a reason why she’s allowed to have a friggin driver’s license, because she’s an imbecile.


I retired from banging college chicks when they stopped calling me back.

Me and Adrian Peterson would have been dynamic.

Those numbers aren’t great or anything, but if I were a Vikings fan I’d rather have Vick on a one year deal than trade a 1st and 4th for Sam Bradford. And that isn’t even a hindsight is 20/20 situation, that trade was stupid in real time.

Because there isn’t a single fucking reason she was nominated.

Why the hell does she want this job anyhow. In a just society she would take her billions and fund nation wide hot breakfast clubs for school kids or something.

Because she wants to keep the dismantling of our public school systems going. That’s been a GOP goal for like 30 years now: Any white people with money send their kids to private/religious schools, everyone else can suck it in nearly unfunded public schools.

Total same here. I have a lot of educators in my family and have done a small amount of teaching and u know

Her big supporter (Lamar Alexander) basically has said, “She’s a nice lady that cares SO MUCH!” as her qualifications.

She refused to commit to enforce ADA compliance in schools that receive federal funding. She hates the special kids. Who the ever-loving-fuck thinks neglecting the needs of disabled kids is A-OK? She is a monster in sensible heels.

In most administrations, a candidate facing such vociferous opposition would have the grace to withdraw.

Her family has donated + $200 million dollars to Republicans over the years. That’s why she was nominated.

It really scares me that these morons want someone who has no educational/instructional background whatsoever to be the Secretary of Education.