You're Killing Independent George

Their dress socks are pretty crappy, no more durable than any other cheap brands, but their regular cotton socks hold up pretty well but get stretched out after a few months.

Ice boating looks stupid. Either you have to shovel off the entire lake, or you have to use the 0.5 calendar days/year that has naked ice on the lake (Usually from a short warm spell that gets col).


I was trying to figure out how to word a reply to Darklighter, but you already nailed it.

I understand the Death and Taxes blog came before the Jez article, but the Jez article has a photo of C.K. next to Kirkman and has back links to articles about rumors of famous comedians and their sexual misconduct.

I’m an American that could also use the translation. WTF is trumpcare?

Also, why is he fully owning, and so profusely apologizing for, his actual actions?

I don’t think he’s in the wrong here, I was taught that “you can’t beat a DEAD horse”, and that horse ain’t dead. 

Yeah I was looking at budget builds in pcpartpicker recently, and builds using the 1050 ti (fairly close to the rx 560/570 from the article) come in around $500 using a ryzen 3 and no ssd.

I know you must have enjoyed your philosophy class in college, but do you have any examples of current writing that use “beg the question” in the sense of a logical fallacy?

He’s the only modern era pitcher that I am 100% certain would have been able to pitch in a 4 man rotation without issue.

You do realize that a feminine hygiene product being used itself as an insult is not a great example to bring up here...

I mean, if a 250lb white dude stole from you, would you also call him a skank?

The current job descriptions in the air Force say they require a degree, this might not have always been the case, so until you find direct evidence this guy has a degree or any intelligence, then I’m not sure why you’re going out of your way to reply to multiple comments and then post your own talking about how

It wasn’t really a faux pas at all.

Later, Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau praised Payette’s speech, saying she stands in support of science and the truth.

Raquel Rutledge is a great investigative reporter and we are lucky to have her at the Sentinel.

Aww man, Americans for Prosperity ads playing on Deadspin now?