You're Killing Independent George

same here. My shoes are off 97% of the time at my cubicle, but usually go back on if someone stops by to talk or if I have to go more than 3 feet from my cube.

What victims? There are no firsthand accounts of anything from any victim.

must have been changed after you posted without editor note

Did you watch last night’s 34-21 Jets win over the Bills?

Yeah he did a great job, from the earlier episodes where you see a sinister shot of him on the roof looking back at Hopper and Joyce, and his line to Hopper something like “Oh, so now you’re giving me orders?”, you really aren’t sure if he is just a further extension of Season 1's evil scientists but then you begin to

They shouldn’t have been chucking batteries off the boat then...

I don’t know why there would be electricity in the water or why that would attract sharks?

Really bad take here.
Making a statement about religious people is NOT equivalent to making a statement about a particular race, even if some people from that particular race are religious.

Yeah sharks don’t really attack boats like in JAWS, this is just one element of many that makes me skeptical of the facts in this story

Sail boats have been circumnavigating the world long before internal combustion engines were ever conceived of.

You would think we would have heard about two people lost at sea before they were found, was no one out looking for them prior to this? Did anyone even know they were missing?

something is fishy, why would your satellite phone fall overboard the first day? Sounds like an excuse from someone who was ill prepared for this trip and never had one in the first place.

it is confirmed, I am dumb, it’s a walrus thing! If Mikhail says its haul, then it’s haul!

in which hundreds of walruses hauled out on a shoreline

well thanks for clarifying but that is super nit-picky.

Zukka is wise.

I was expecting the part you quoted to have some obvious cretin-ism, but I guess I am missing it.

milwaukee is just fine

For whatever it’s worth, her tweets at least confirm that he is not lying when he said he didn’t remember their first encounter:

If Barr goes at his thighs, there is a 0% chance he is going to make any impact on the play, going high at least makes the QB throw around him