
I would like to recognize that this is the most detailed, well-written incident report narrative that I have ever read. He described the events in chronological order, sentence structure was better than a 5 year old’s, and only one (!) spelling mistake. I mean, I actually feel like I know what happened. He must get

Actual footage of Jenny and Chris walking into that podcast

Do we work together? Was that me? That sounds like me. Is that me?

This. I demand that journalists spell out every arcane step of the legal process. How am I supposed to know that the cease and desist order that was requested was awarded? By deducing that it must have been if the products in question were confiscated? What am I, Sherlock Holmes?? OUTRAGEOUS.

I think we’re ignoring the most life-changing possibility from this product: perpetually charged smoke alarm batteries.

I’m a brown person, so, yeah, I look good in maroon. Though, I get your skepticism; minority students are almost as rare as football players at Uchicago.

My most prized possession is a Uchicago football team tshirt I took from a real life Uchicago football player. It’s big enough to wear as a dress and I love it. I feel like I got a hair off a unicorn’s ass, and I didn’t even have to get roofied at Phi G for it.

Man, forget forensic science; this is a boon for my underwear drawer!

Wait, so how do people drive in other parts of the country? I thought this was normal....

All I read was: blah blah blah... gamma rays... blah blah blah... HULK SMASH

Commenting is silly. There's big problems in the world and we're over here bitching about a sports blog posting about sports

Quick question, sports fans. Do I have to have an opinion on Ballghazi to hate the Patriots? Cause I mean, while I can't argue the finer points of football physics, I have met several people from Boston, so I feel like I have all the information I need. Thoughts?

Well it had been a few days since I had done the work out that jacked me up. I think I worked out on Tuesday and I was in the hospital on Friday. So, I was probably already on the downswing with the CPK. You went to the hospital right after you worked out, so it would make sense your muscles were still dissolving into

The scene in my cubicle as soon as I read the headline:

How this man doesn't end every single one of his tweets in "XOXO" I'll never understand. He's a stronger man than I.

Meh, I was down to 11,000 by the morning with no symptoms. The chest pains went away after a few hours of saline, and the heart monitor I wore all night didn't show any abnormalities. So they just said drink hella water and come back if you feel bad again. It was a country hospital where the doctor made his rounds at

I also got rhabdo from being out of shape. I started out with a good ab workout (nothing killer, just a little hard). A few days later, I woke up in the middle of the night with persistent chest pain. By the time morning came around and it wasn't better, I had to choose between going to my crap retail job or going to

The strangest thing I've ever done for cell signal was give T-Mobile money.

Aw, now, my favorite line was when Captain Boomerang was killing the first guard at ARGUS and the guard said something red-shirty, so dude threw his boomerang and said, "what goes around... comes around."