
Look up on youtube how to do the compass reset, I usually do that before every photosphere because it relies heavily on a calibrated compass. Its just waving the phone in a figure 8 pattern. I start it with the thing I want to focus on most, then aim up, down, then turn right a little to get the next dot and then up

Possibly? I've taken over a dozen or more with my note 2 and they all turn out good. Try panning and keeping the phone in one place as if it's on a tripod, that's the best way to dramatically improve them.

So, how many noticed the Breaking Bad reference?

And then you forget and play Crysis for an hour and realize your making fish soup.

And then you forget and play Crysis for an hour and realize your making fish soup.

On the other hand, you have a Nissan Leaf...

DVI to HDMI cable, works perfect for me and my dumb HP monitor without DVI.

Nearly 25.

How about this?

I would think you could do prepaid service, if you don't fly all the time just activate it for a month or two and let it run out when you get back. I've found ones as cheap as $10 for three months. Theres no way this little box would use over a hundred MB of data.


Heck my Note 2 takes really good photos.

Light bulb.

I just put a ROM on my Note that includes Cyanogen as part of it, and the pen buttons work and the pressure sensitivity also works. I am not certain cyanogen alone has these features but it probably does.

I've seen at least two apps on the store that I think were free that disable the lock screen while within range of a bluetooth that you pair it with.

I would say nearly 30 feet. It has worked well when my watch was charging and I could still bring my phone around the house without a lock screen.

Thats exactly why I like it.

This is what I use, it recently got updated to allow multiple bluetooth things to unlock and known wifi hotspots.

This is what I use, it recently got updated to allow multiple bluetooth things to unlock and known wifi hotspots.

This is what I use, it recently got updated to allow multiple bluetooth things to unlock and known wifi hotspots.