
Check out "Songza" I have the Android app and it's great, I think they have an iPhone app also. A lot of the music without lyrics is great.

X-Rated vision, fixed it for you.

You can get quite a bit of power from the micro USB, I was able to power a small external hard drive from my Note 2 in USB OTG mode. And I've charged many phones from my tablet with the same mode. I think this will probably just charge up and stick on and transfer over wifi, and only use NFC to pair.

The add on has its own sensor and will probably connect wirelessly. It most likely has its own battery and everything.

I really liked this story. It seems like something I would have done.

He said the lights are triggered by IR, but they strobe visible light.

Try driving a Pontiac Bonneville (supercharged) 40 miles on back roads with the throttle sticking. That was scary.

Triple tap home button!!

No I wasn't trying to imply that, I was more complaining about how bad some of the carriers are in my area. One has high speed everywhere but no good phones, while the other can barely manage voice service and has the newest phones out. And phones for one are incompatible with the other company.

Well maybe it was a rare case, but two of my friends with s3's with custom ROM's had the blue icons and within months they were burnt in pretty bad. My Note 2 is showing a very faint line where the notification bar is. It stays dark gray almost all the time and when I use a full screen app it is brighter than the rest

There's a reason Samsung made the notification bar with the light grays and greens instead of blue. The display on the S4 is AMOLED and blue pixels are very short lived, if you have a very dark black bar with bright blue pixels always lit up you'll have that area burnt in within two months. Anyone who buys this

With AT&T I get 1 bar of edge data at my home and it hits a top speed of 2kbps, the closest town is only covered by edge and if I travel around 40 miles I can get hspa+ at 2.5-4 mbps speeds. With Verizon I had 2mbps 3G everywhere, even the middle of the woods.

I would also like to know this, I'm not sure androids can even be infected through the browser.

Go back and look again, it is one picture. The scene is set just right to look like it is separate pictures. Notice the spoon at the bottom goes between two frames?

If you pull the battery the time normally resets, when I switch mine to an extended battery if it isn't plugged in when I pull the battery it boots up in 2004

I pretty much bought mine as a small tablet (note 2) and I put it on service only on months I might need cell service. I use wifi pretty much everywhere so I don't see a difference. This saves me a ton of money. Go look on amazon and see the unlocked phone prices, they are all over 500. Mine was around a grand but I

And if you go off contract they are much more, I paid $650 for mine.

"If you get caught"

Why not make a mechanism to flip down a different plate in place of yours when you drive through? I would think the photo strobe would be extremely noticeable to the police.

I have one I bought a while ago that puts out around 600 lumens for around two hours.