
@chrismoke: I guess for one of those brainy coder guys all it is is an algorithm to generate the initial game world. Once that's in place the rest is pretty easy actually. It's not like it has (or had at launch anyway) any complex physics or graphics. Everything is cubes and extremely low resolution textures.

The thing this article author's opinion isn't taking into account is Deadpool's violence. He literally dismembers bodies... his own, and other... and often.

@diasdiem: That is a shopped picture of snake eyes from the GI Joe movie, not a production photo of the Deadpool movie.

While they're at it why don't they just give the movie and characters totally different names as to not create any confusion that this is indeed a movie adaptation of a rich and widely loved game.

While they're at it why don't they just give the movie and characters totally different names as to not create any confusion that this is indeed a movie adaptation of a rich and widely loved game.

@corpore-metal: oh god I deal with that every day... I hate un scientific minds.

@phoghat: Carl is never wrong... He simply underestimated... but implied greater.

@Wolfsheim: i lol'd and got in trouble at work haha

One of the most story driven games in HISTORY gets made into a movie and they ignore the story and the characters in it...

@GamerKT: wow.... just wow.....

why can't we get charts like this for U.S. sales? dumb

@DasStan: no.... no no no no.

I think putting Dr. Hugo Strange in a batman movie, as the main antagonist anyway, is a huge mistake. Most people don't know who he is, and really as good a villain as he is, he isn't very appealing.

Interesting thought. What if all the dark matter in the universe is actually just cloaked real matter. We have already started mapping dark matter and it appears to be sort of a fabric in stretches similar to the way galaxies are in the universe....

Let me get this strait...

*ahem* EVE?

@Andrew Wolf: I would say the Mob hiring joker to kill batman was about 1/3rd of the plot of TDK, it was mostly about the joker just creating chaos and of course the fall of Harvey Dent.