
I can't believe I'm gonna buy this, and I only have enough hard drive space for maybe Doom 1&2 lol.

@PsychoNun: yea, I had it on ps3 and that was the main reason I got it was because it had mouse and keyboard support.

Unreal Tournament III had mouse and keyboard support on consoles.... why can't every other game out there?

I'm pretty sure I could do that job well. Nothing bothers me anymore...

BWAHAHAHA!!! He's a freaking cyborg!!! No wonder!

I really don't give a damn where the minerals come from. If we were genuinely worried about this type of thing we could trace everything in the world back to something where someone/something was negatively effected.

@stradric: wow... don't know when a joke is a joke it seems. What ever happened to the internet's sense of humor?

I don't know what pisses me off more, the oil spill, or the fact that I will never have a gaming PC has badass as that guy's

You guys realize the gun is not required to play games right? It's just an option for those who want to feel like they are holding a gun rather than a controller.

now THIS is Mortal Kombat, not that piece of crap short film.

I hate it! Nothing like Mortal Kombat. Butchers the source material all to hell!

@DeeButtersnaps: Sadly yes I do, but at the same time the Mortal Kombat universe hadnt been fleshed out nearly as much as it is now when that movie came out.

I DO NOT want a Mortal Kombat movie like this. It was stupid. I will not see it it gets made.

@Dennen: There is a TON of source material to MK, that is one of the things about MK I love so much is the well thought out and vast mythology that Ed Boon (and others) created over the years game after game. Every character they created has a back story and a different reason for being in the tournaments.